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  • Anat Tales: Seriously now

    Wednesday, January 10, 2007

    Seriously now

    I wonder Jeanne, I wonder, about your belief in my rose-coloured glasses. I think I am much more self-centered than you give me credit for. I think do see bad, sometimes undeserved. I don't believe and trust when I should. And find this unconditional love and forgiveness harder than I would like to admit...

    Do onto others as you would have them to onto you. Do I? Have I? Or do I let my hurt blind me to other's needs? Is the anger I hold in and deny, is it poisoning my eyes, poisoning my voice, poisoning my ears?

    Not that it matters anymore but...

    We can only change ourselves. We only have control over our own actions. And from every pain, there's some lesson to be learned. And yes Jeanne. Learn and apply.

    Renbo said a wise thing. He said - when you stop talking about things to your friends, try to do it all yourself... that's when you fall down. Because your friends will question your actions. Will ask you to look deep into your heart and find out why. Because they care. And want the best for you. Because they care, they will challenge you. And maybe challenge is what you need sometimes, more than comfortable agreement or silence.

    From Hillel (הלל):
    A certain heathen said, "Make me a proselyte, on condition that you teach me the whole Torah while I stand on one foot." Hillel said to him,
    "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor: that is the whole Torah; all the rest of it is commentary; go and learn."
    (Babylonian Talmud, tractate Shabbat 31a.)


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wearing your rose-coloured glasses doesn't mean that you don't see the bad. I'm referencing how you may interpret things and always let it go. I feel you absorb it to the degree that you don't deserve or recognize that it isn't your fault.

    Love is hard, forgiveness is harder. It takes time to mend any hurt and release the anger. There is no schedule to this.

    If you would like for me to honestly answer "Do onto others as you would have them to onto you. Do I? Have I?" - I have no doubt you place others before yourself. You may or may not agree with me on this.

    Don't let actions of others cloud your judgement of who you are. Don't react from guilt, fear or anger - deduce from wisdom. Your heart is solid and full of light.

    "The way to greater light leads through the darkness. Going ahead feels like falling back. The even path seems rugged and hilly. The highest power a yielding valley." - Tao Te Ching 41

    January 10, 2007 11:54 p.m.  

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