• Wobbe's blog
  • Anat Tales: Sense of Self

    Thursday, October 19, 2006

    Sense of Self

    Instead of counselling, I go to a church in Hampstead for a couple of hours every other day. It's cool and quiet and has its own car park. No one troubles me much. They seem to feel it's bad form to question why anyone would want to sit there. Perhaps they think I'm talking to God...

    "Sometimes I think Jess is the most perceptive person I've ever met. She always knows when not to be curious."
    "But she's still a virtual stranger to you, Connie... and yo're not worried what strangers think. Few of us are. Self-image is about how the people we know and love perceive us, not the passing acquaintance who we're never going to meet again."
    -- "The Devil's Feather", Minette Walters
    I've always enjoyed Minette Walters, but her latest that I'm reading now is amazing.

    Do we create our own myths... building and rebuilding images as the need arises? Reality rudely interupts the reverie. Sandra - you laughed when I compared the writers of sermons, horoscopes, fortune cookies :-) The difference between the profound and the lame not solely in the delivery? I'll take my fortune suger cookied any time. Who wants reality. Dream on.

    How wonderful that a dog is always ready to receive our love. We have such need to give love.


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