• Wobbe's blog
  • Anat Tales: Don't balance Hurt with Hate

    Thursday, October 05, 2006

    Don't balance Hurt with Hate

    The Amish community is trying to come to terms with the slaying of the little girls.
    "The hurt is very great," Huntington said. "But they don't balance the hurt with hate."
    Unbelievably, the Westboro Baptist Church seems to say that a fate like that shows God's displeasure and those who receive God's displeasure deserve it.

    In an interview with the CBC, former sex trade worker Eva Scott comments on the news that the disciplinary hearings against an RCMP officer have been thrown out of court for procedural issues. The constable was accused of buying sex from teenage prostitutes in Prince George between 1993 and 2001.

    Eva says:
    "There's nothing I can do to those police officers who rip my clothes off in crack shacks because I'm just a $20 ho. Most of us don't say anything about it because in some sick way we think we deserve it or it comes with the territory."

    How do we respond to hurt shows a lot about us, I think. Do we feel we deserve it? Brought it upon ourselves? Do we hate and lash out at those who hurt us? You hurt me therefore I will hurt you back?

    I admire the Amish response... Don't balance hurt with hate. Hate destroys us more than any Hurt ever could.

    People killing people dying
    Children hurtin you hear them crying
    Can you practice what you preach
    Would you turn the other cheek?
    Father Father Father help us
    Send some guidance from above
    Cause people got me got me questioning
    Where is the love?
    -- Black Eyed Peas

    You can ask for space for yourself and only yourself and I'll grant it
    You can ask for freedom as well or time to travel and you'll have it
    You can ask to live by yourself or love someone else and I'll support it
    You can ask for anything you want anything at all and I'll understand it
    (and there are no strings attached to it)

    You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give
    You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have
    I give you thanks for receiving it's my privilege
    And you owe me nothing in return
    -- Alanis Moissette, You Owe Me Nothing


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