• Wobbe's blog
  • Anat Tales: Words

    Tuesday, January 31, 2006


    Words. Such a feeble form of communication. I can show you a picture of blowing snow. I can tell you how it bit and sliced and numbed. But can I make you feel it the way I feel it?

    Words. So easily misread. Problem with a blog is exactly that. People read it. But what do they hear?
    I can show you a picture of the bare tree and the puddle. I can tell you how the sky reflected and turned an ice-cold blue touched by tired dead trees. But can I make you feel it the way I feel it?

    I can show you the movie "Supersize Me". I can tell you how gross it was and how I'll never eat a big Mac again. But can I make you feel the pain the way my stomach feels it, with undigested french fries revolting and burning? Neverending hunger.


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