• Wobbe's blog
  • Anat Tales: Faith

    Sunday, December 24, 2006


    In my place, in my place
    Were lines that I couldn't change
    I was lost, oh yeah

    I was lost, I was lost
    Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed
    I was lost, oh yeah
    -- ColdPlay, In My Place

    Know that place inside where the tears pool? When I look in that pool I see a reflection, and I feel the cold creep up along my neck till it makes my lower lip tremble.

    Didn't we once think it was real? Saskia believes Santa to be real, because she wishes it to be real. Maybe it is as simple as that.

    I reach out for Presence but find only Emptiness. Only my own reflection staring back at me and behind me the sharp edges of the cave wall.
    Barrie said, talk to God on the top of the mountain when you can see all around so far, all the way till tomorrow. I will try, Barrie, I will. Just wish the rain would stop.

    Maybe God is busy. It is a busy time of year, after all. In the mall, hurried people on their quest for the One Present That Will Make Everything Alright do not look at each other in the eye any more.
    I believe in God, even when he is silent. I believe in love, even when feeling it not.
    I'll believe in Santa. Maybe under my tree, too, is the One Present That Will Make Everything Alright.
    If not, I'll be looking for that gift-receipt.

    Go out into the world in peace
    And whatever you do,
    do it for the sake of love
    -- United Church blessing

    and the wheels just keep on turning
    the drummers begin to drum
    i don't know which way I'm going
    i dont know what i'll become
    -- Coldplay, till Kingdom Come


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I don't think you need a mountain. Just look down at that little soul that's waiting for the fat man to come, and you found Him.

    December 29, 2006 7:13 a.m.  

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