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  • Anat Tales: Clean Fun

    Thursday, March 22, 2007

    Clean Fun

    SOAP, XML, WSDL, OASIS, BPEL, UDDI, WS-* ... No wonder we're thought to be Martians. Spent the last two days in a seminar on Service-Oriented Architecture.

    Don't get me wrong - I love organizing my thoughts in abstract patterns, as you are required to do when designing software systems. There is such beauty in an abstract representation of a solution.

    And for all the A&D standards and approaches - I've met only a few people who are good software architects, who create beauty in structure. We all know the design principles, they haven't changed in donkey's years... decoupling, abstraction, information hiding, that lovely new term "agnosticism", .... Thing is, not that many people can apply the clarity of thought to make it happen.

    Remember when the Big Thing was to design an Enterprise Entity Model? Complete with its own meta-data-datamodel? :-)

    Kev said "creative, pragmatic, and smart people save the development process" and he is right. As usual :-)


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Remember when the Big Thing was to design an Enterprise Entity Model? Complete with its own meta-data-datamodel? :-)

    ... i must be behind the times, as i thought it still was the 'big thing'. ;)


    March 22, 2007 6:39 p.m.  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    HUH?? Sometimes when the geek in you comes out, it scares me! ;-)
    BRB - running to look for a translator.

    March 23, 2007 3:41 p.m.  
    Blogger Earguy said...

    May I humbly hand you back the "biggest geek of the family" award since this post clearly proves you to be most worthy of IT?

    March 25, 2007 6:54 p.m.  

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